BMP Cost Share Program
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services' (FDACS) Office of Agricultural Water Policy (OAWP) administers the Best Management Practices (BMP) Cost Share Program to assist eligible producers or landowners with BMPs. Project funding is on a continuous basis until program funds are fully encumbered. OAWP will prioritize awarding first-time participants in the BMP Cost Share Program and projects that will result in the highest level of nutrient reductions to help achieve basin management action plan (BMAP) goals and conservation of water use. Funding will be based on the submittal of the necessary information on the funding request. Completed requests will be reviewed in the order in which they are received. Review of each cost share funding request will be conducted by FDACS. Additional information from the producer, including a site visit, may be requested by FDACS before a funding decision is made.
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